Thanks for the info Martel! Very helpful.
How is the quality of the drum separation algorithm? I have a few stereo drum tracks I would like to rip the snare and kick from. Could somebody...
No problem running PT12.5, Windows 10, UAD-2 card and a RME HDSP9652 on my editing computer. No issues at all. Haven't tried PT ultimate though.
Also as emax2 suggested, Analogue Drums are nice. Especially Gorilla, for the sound your looking for.
Try That Sound 1985 Drums Deluxe as well as That Sound Icons Nir Z and Jeff Juliano Deluxe. Might be exactly what you are looking for.
Lois Lane, having just read the title, I was going to say don't do it. Then I read the post... Great job! Hope it sounds as good as it looks. Very...
That's good to hear Kluster. Yeah, I was thinking about picking up the pedal. Would be using it for reamping. Just wish it had spdif on it.
Funny you should ask... Just spent a few hours this morning trying the Neural Amp Modeler out. Actually sounds pretty good. All depends on which...
I actually like some of the Kush plugins. Wouldn't compare the UBK-1 to a Distressor. Better comparison would be to the Sly-Fi Deflector. Still...
I'm glad to see there are still some classically trained musicians like Jmoutton and Moogerfooger on the board. A lot of smart people on...
Start small and then think big. Let's write for our string section first. We are in the key of C Major and have two Violins, Viola and Cello....
Very sad to hear this news. RIP Jeff.
Merry Christmas everybody! Remember why we celebrate and let's hope for a happier New Year!
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] Vinnie Moore. This will keep you busy for a while!
A: Pro Tools 12 B: Windows 10 C: SSL
Well Done HardRockVice!
I was fortunate enough to work with Christine on a Fleetwood Mac album. Very sweet person! Always kind and down to earth. Will always have a place...
It depends on what your use for it is. Nice machine for its time but... Outdated converters and good luck finding parts. I've seen them go for...
Demloc, you can download version 2.0 here It's the demo version so not sure if your serial will unlock it.
Separate names with a comma.