Thank you for all the suggestions. It's overwhelming folks. Strangely I tried to start such a topic 2 month ago and no one was interested. Pure...
Yes game creation is another interesting thing. Unfortunately I never had time to dive deeper into it. Sometimes I make multimedia stuff incl. 3D...
Update: Just tested some C# shit out. Oh my god, it's like Flash Action Script. Nearly identical with its event handler and ECMA standards etc.....
OK, this will be a hot ride. :wink: Just installed VS...I'm excited.
I did it over decades, sometimes excessive. Then I thought let's stop it. And guess what...It's interesting too.:yes:
Thank you very much Zentropy for your efford. Hm, from the view of performance your approach seems plausible. But will this be case-harden?...
In the update pane you always can choose which update you want. You always should turn off AUTOMATIC updates and do it manually. So there is no...
As long as your are offline and install no new stuff, it's no problem. If your are online with that machine, it's no serious solution to simply...
Ah OK I'm not on Reaper, so hoping you get it. JUCE sounds interesting. Do I have to be a C++ pro to make a Hello World as VST? Can I get a free...
Zimmers inception theme fits to historical WW pictures very well/perfectly. I mean the mood. It has this gravity of long ago passed history....
So folks, I apologize...there are no more answers in the voting allowed (technical issue).
No, because there are sometimes critical security updates you will need, unless you freeze and close the complete system.
EQuilibrium gives me annoying CPU spikes, poping up DAW warnings. Do I miss something in the settings? Or is it a CPU Monster per se?
Cubase build-ins are very good for cuts- mostly underrated. Sometimes I'm not sure, when I should replace them. boutique EQ? Versace, Yve Saint...
Freiraum is a CPU killer. Am I right?
Why not HOFA? It sounds so warm and has an in-build compressor for each band. For me it 'smells' way better then Fabfilter.
off topic.
You can make suggestions to fill up the vote (full product name), and argue.
Maybe someone can make this thread sticky...probably this can't be the end of story.
Thank you, I would appreciate this very much. I forget to mention, it should have note order (up/down strumming) and define able velocity for...
Separate names with a comma.