First rule when you talk about Bitwig....YOU do not talk about Bitwig
As good as it gets with Bitwig “the grid”
Sync works on Shaperbox at my side
Volumeshaper as single or in shaperbox doesnt make any difference in cpu use so its all good :)
no troubles with the 2.1.0 VR version on my side (W10)
Big phat sounds. High quality effects. Phat filters. Easy to use Loads quickly. Also low on cpu superphaser is insane
I think its crap. Too buggy, too many random crashes. It makes me not trust it.. So its a no for me.
The real question is: why is it that almost nobody talks about these amazing sounding plugins.
Yeah i will dive into that midi more. I played a bit more with Variator. Its quite sensitive. i think i prefer your way better. Anyway, cheers
Would this also be possible with midi in reaper? What's a great midi editor in Reaper? Sorry bit off topic
How about this :) "LKC Variator" Im sold. Reaper is the bomb [MEDIA]
yes, showing the tab. well its something i can live with. All good, Thanks
[ATTACH] Is there a way to disable the view if its just one tab?
Thanks :)
Thats 2.02 Im using 2.03 almost the same but slight different. Thanks anyway
Fantastic. Thank mate. Love it. Reaper for the win. What a daw.
Yes totally forgot to mention that, also sounds really good
Absolutly. Especialy when you use your own selected loops. Its a beast for loop mangling. But not really a drum machine in the classic way
Separate names with a comma.