^What No Avenger said
Those are all pretty solid picks in my opinion. Only thing I guess I'd say is that in my opinion I'm not a big fan of the waves 1073 emulation. I...
Okay so I'm actually an intern right now for Warren Huart at Produce Like a Pro, and I have a guess a bit of "insider knowledge" on this. Suffice...
I use Ableton. I've been using Pro Tools for tracking, because of it's playlist feature and I already knew it because industry standard. But now...
Wow this looks really cool! It even does some things Serum doesn't. The ability to use keytracked LFO's at audio rate and essentially be able to...
Pro Tools sucks. I use it when I have to but I don't like it. I feel like when I'm in studios even the Pro Tools don't like Pro Tools. They're...
Oh my god for comping alone I would sell my kidney. I've been saying for years Ableton *needs* to get a playlist feature like Pro Tools. It's been...
Dear for the love of God why would you start this debate
For me personally, my go to mastering EQs are Gullfoss MaagEQ4 Amek200 Pultec Emulations
This is weird. It seems like your cpu is running fine. One thing that stands out to me is in your BIOS, the BCLCK is 100.25 MHz. Normally it's at...
Haha this reminds my of the "negative delay plugin" April fools joke from awhile ago. https://shop.timexile.com/pages/negative-delay No you would...
Could you run some benchmarks, like Cinebench (free) for example, so we can see if your cpu is performing as it should? My 3900x scores around...
Honestly it sounds pretty good to me. Use your ears. With the instrumentation on this your frequency spectrum isn't going to look as full as it...
These threads are DUMB. If you're on this forum, for the love of God just download a couple different DAWs from the sister site, drop in some wav...
Yes I agree with MYC. Just expanded my set-up recently, to a laptop and desktop. Both with the same set of plugins. No real easy way around it,...
It's not a bad idea. But I just don't think it's really necessary enough for anyone to spend time implementing it. Really you can check the site...
Ah, I've done this before. It's pretty fun. I think we're talking about the same thing. I've done it with an Ableton Max for Live device called...
R9 3900x, RTX 2070 Super, WD Black M.2 SSD, 32 GB 3200Mhz CL 17 Ram. Behringer UMC 1820. I can track with in the box effects, into full projects,...
I'm LOLing at the dummy who posted the thread about "is the sister site dying???" like a month ago. What a silly guy. I'll PM you.
Separate names with a comma.