I haven't seen the products of Impact Studios at Torrent etc. yet. Probably because it's a small company that you should support by buying. If the...
Yes, I also bought the Inferno Bass, the DI version. It only costs $35. What do you want to know?
mono is my little sister. She just cracked the avenger by mistake and wanted to play sims. mono you bad girl, you go now immediately to your room! ;)
Vengeance/Manuel Schleis is one of the best sound designers in the world and the plugins/librarys are excellent. Please give him the necessary...
Nobody wants to drive this company to ruin.
Durch eure Bemerkungen wird auch klar, warum der "reißerische Artikel" sich kaum auf die eigentliche Tat (Messer in Brust) bezieht, da diese im...
So etwas spielt so wieso immer den Rechten in die Karten, denn die meisten Deutschen kamen sicher noch nicht in die Verlegenheit ein Messer zur...
Jetzt nach lesen des Artikels von nwzonline ist es klarer. Notwehr und die 2 Jahre gabs dann nur fürs skalpieren, passt. Allgemein darf man sich...
Dieser Beitrag "Kuscheljustiz" machte auch bei Facebook seine Runde. Mein erster Gedanke "Wieso kritisieren die, dass er nur zwei Jahre fürs...
The problem is again the "ccltext.dll" file. This file was changed in version 4.5 and has a different size than in the previous versions. This is...
I am from Germany and I have 700 Euro a month, that's not much here (I hate Mrs. Merkel.) I pay 330 Euro rent, about 50 Euro electricity and 40...
I don't have to wait for R2R, I can update tomorrow immediately. Why? Because I bought the DAW when it was cheaper. I had to save money for that,...
"Is the era of fl studio cracks over?" Yes :yes:
Okay. I'm afraid there's no other solution. If it doesn't work for you despite the instructions, we can do nothing else. Too bad...sorry
I prefer the "Top Menu Bar" bar visible, therefore "0". But it's a matter of taste ;)
Is the "Config.cfg" file correctly edited? And you should rename the original "lame.dll" to "liblame.dll" and add the lame.dll (contained in the...
This is wrong. The last available version "Studio One X v.2.7.2 package" works. Even without time limit.
You have to take the "ccltext.dll" from the older version and replace it in the new version.
The best Audio-DAW is Photoshop! :rofl:
Great. Can you still make the faders and buttons in silver?
Separate names with a comma.