Hi guys, I am looking for a step sequencer( could be vst or max for live device) which allows me: 1. To offset each step with milliseconds ( Like...
Does this tool identify related files correctly? Is that even possible? Since without an uninstaller not every file related to the software might...
I agree with you on the pain part (lol) . Congratz
It seems there is no way to maintain Windows OS in the long run! Eventually you will face some serious problem about those remaining files all...
Lmfao. Dude! Is that your neat idea? Even if you disregard copyright, you still can implement the same idea with something like audacity!
If I select none I won't have any input or output then! So you have been successful automating custom plugin knobs with nanoKontrol2?
Thanks. My main concern is Pro Tools since being able to automate plugins with Controller is important for me.
I have also seen this video before. The reason I asked was because I have searched and found out some people had problem with plugin mapping,...
I have read the manual and it does not state anything about my question, I appreciate if anybody with NanoKontrol2 actually confirms what I've...
I know that NanoKontrol2 can act as a DAW controller (HUI Mode) in Pro Tools. But what I could not find on the internet is whether I can use...
Check out the permission of massive file.
Some tips for you, Don't download so many plugins. Download waves bundle and iZotope bundle. Spend lots of time with those plugins while mixing....
How much does Steinberg give you to defend it on warez forum? lmfao.
Honestly, *uck steinberg. Everything they buy becomes Dongle shit. Surely, rich kids enjoy it, we poor producers die trying...
I checked it out. I followed the process and activated TouchBridge but still I cannot see faders move.
All in all, it is a pain in a** process, haha! Where did you find out this info? "rotaries are MIDI CC 10-17 and the faders are 18-25" I tested...
Pondering...[Goes to make new topic on R2R] haha
Thanks for sharing it. Now I am facing another weird problem. TouchEditor OSC sync button used to work. Now my iPAD connects to PC via TouchBridge...
What about making another R2R topic? Last time it was effective and they released Plugin Alliance bundle! :yes:
Could you please share your working touchOSC template? It seems all my templates are setup for OSC messages and ProTools does not receive that. In...
Separate names with a comma.