We all have unfinished songs. Why are they unfinished? Did we secretly not like them? Did it miss something... Anything? I'll explain later, but...
You phreaking idiot. You realize I'm the perfect candidate for the front lines. Now, I'm standing 2 rows back at least. I'll also shoot at least 1...
Laptop?! Yikes, that could break depending on what I'm smashing it on. Fine, no shovel, can I bring a Korg volca instead? It hits hard. really...
Sorry, need clarification. What bitch/shit are we shutting down today and what do we need to bring? I'm temporarily out of flaming pitchforks. Can...
@Pinkman That's a great way to build off what you see and feel. I really like the idea of no audio at all, using your own thoughts to completely...
I actually forgot Genesis Pro existed. That didn't take long, or the days have gotten just TOO long lately.
I don't mean to make things about me but why is my tag in OP not working? Xup and Oly's isn't either so I feel better. Half of us don't qualify,...
This phrase made me think of another scene, soundtrack I saw before. [MEDIA] The music starts at 1:50, and it's not complicated. It's a perfect...
Foster, is this you again? It's really like the same ol schtik. I just don't get it.
If you think it's all for naught, you'd be incorrect. Everyone tells their stories, and even to the last days, lives are affected. You can lay...
The strategy is simply he didn't hear the patterns. Leads, Arps drums all hit the spot, but it was jumbled mess. Almost sounded like an old Orb...
I had a kid taking online classes today. I listened to his music. There was no story, no progression, everything sounded, automated. After...
Kids home. I see the kids 24/7. I'm not built for daddy day-care. WTB reprieve.
Older thread, lots of new stuff out there. THU, STL has several new simpler amp sims. Gotta start a new 2020 Vote.
Pic's after 2 weeks. The first 14 days aren't worth seeing. Just sayin'
That was painful.
Welcome! Always better to participate than lurk if you can.
She was right. Wrong impending doom, but still right. Saw 10 families at the park today, they're easily spotted from the backyard tree-house we built.
Damn that's scary. Uninstalling UVI Falcon 2 crack as well, just in case.
Separate names with a comma.