that snare is insane!:wink:
I put the sage converter in this path Spectrasonics\Stylus\SAGE\SAGE Libraries\User Libraries try to create a folder named "Converted REX Files"...
hi there! could someone please explain me how to route this in cubase5? [MEDIA] 1)add an fx track with 5.1 bus(insert Waves Nx ) 2) send to the...
I'm so sorry !, I loved his music!...
Hi there, how can I do this efx on snare? 0:18-0:19 sec please help! :bow: [MEDIA]
:woot::crazy::hahaha: [MEDIA]
something about the methodology
iZotope RX7 Rebalance do the job too
hi there, I just installed an add-ons from firefox (facebook container) which tells me that facebook tracks the sister site what do you think? :dunno:
the amount you have is small, I would put the money into 1 or 2 tickets for a good concert or a clinic ...maybe a portable guitar amp :dunno:
I just noticed that Cubase 5.1.1 turned 10 years old on November 23, 2019 even if late,...happy birthday! :drunks: :thanks: it seemed right to me...
maybe "Capella SoftwareTonica Fugata" ?
click on the "Default Multi" box just above the Omnisphere logo (but first check that in the "Patch Browser" the Directory is on "All"). In the...
the new version is softer but a little flatter, the old version is deeper but a little blurry btw both sound very good I prefer the old version...
for me it is useless to say "you had to backup" would make me even more frustrated start again, take this opportunity to do cleaning and use what...
it seems strange to me because it is a professional audio company I don't think they could have been so "distracted" in sampling anyway thanks for...
Hello everyone! I'm working with a Tanpura sound library to make a drone in the background, the Tanpura is an instrument similar to the Sitar and...
I remember having the same problem the Sage converter that i use is version 1.5.1d
try with revo unistaller do a deep uninstall and then reinstall :dunno:
Separate names with a comma.