Grazie mio fratello !
Happy HolidayZ [img]
NOTE: This is basic information, as I don't have much time to commit to this ... However 1) 5 links 3 joints Many commercial resources (Lynda,...
Its a cool After Effects template called 'Music Visualizator' Located Here: Enjoy
In theory -- all USB 2 devices should work with USB 3 ports However -- Apparently there is some sort of issue w/ usb 3 audio drivers and...
Was thinking the same thing --- love the built-in enhanced capabilities (step sequencer, velocity sensitive pads, etc) -- and still an AKAI...
Hey Brother, I know exactly what you mean ... Some thoughts: Regarding chords and chord progressions - there are some great tools available...
Buy your refurb direct from Apple -- seriously -- If you're intent to dropping the kind of change (money) that you've been eluding too (Apogee...
It may be possible with some of the new technologies to isolate and extract vocals (ie; Roland R-Mix, Sony SpectraLayers Pro, or iZotope RX 2) --...
I'm quite satisfied w/ my AKAI MPK49 w/ optional expression pedal and sustain -- keys have a nice weighted feel, transport controls, sliders,...
Mastering has changed quite a bit over the years, since the decline of the Vinyl Recording industry (there are clearly constraints when mastering...
In my opinion -- Sounds more like a; Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Vibes or something of that nature [MEDIA]
Seriously --- I'm happy with what I can get accomplished w/ my Mac (I'm GLAD that there are satisfied PC users/advocates out there -...
I know this is 'nothing new' and 'old as fook' -- just offered up the option for those out there that can't seem to wait for the scene, or the...
[img] VFX Host Software uses WINE to offer built in support for VST plug-ins originally intended for use on the Windows operating system. That...
Not 100% sure -- but I expect its a simple mapping issue -- If you have the I/O you could try to set up the MPC MIDI Out into Live (via I/O) and...
Clearly, there is ABUSE of forum policy going on here Posting of 'premium links' (links that require users to pay for download access) is not...
Again ... Reaktor [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] More in Reaktor
Drone Loops/Samples Using Ableton [MEDIA]
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