ctrl +h is the panic stop, always works for me
Not very smart business wise, I think he shamed himself harder than the customer
depends on what you are using but that looks like it could run quite a bit at once for daws similar to logic, ive heard studio 1 ableton or...
damn I didnt know you were such a beast on the mix
I know a secure site Ill send it, but please try to manage how much hes gaming cause theres already way too many vidya game manchildren running...
you just have to wait for invite, i dont think were supposed to talk about it for some reason
nyah nyah
I keep doing dmca takedown on it cause I actually own falcon and dont want people to see all the presets I use from them, r2r please fulfill my...
do it
Its the poor Mac users spamming refresh hoping for oeksound
can you explain the not having 100% rights over songs anymore?/what rights a small time individual has/does not have?
I also have an important contribution/message for R2R -----BEGIN R2R MESSAGE----- [MEDIA] 7h4nk y0u r2r 1 l0v3 y0u l0n6 71m3 -----END R2R...
I recommend posting the music for free everywhere you can, noone really buys albums anymore other than from the few very established artists, they...
use serum with sub osc then tweak and effect it to your personal taste edit: sorry I forgot, you have to modulate it too
I just thought id ask, I used to have this amazing copy of zebra with thousands of presets on install, now I can only find a dark zebra with the...
the expansion is available on the sister site so Ill still be online
Nope, you belong to us now, get back in the omnisphere forum until you change this attitude
Sennheiser HD280s are dirt cheap and lots of studios use them
I love you but don't joke about that, we all know Russians are awesome
Separate names with a comma.