Does the search work for you in the vst in your DAW. For me it only works in the Standalone version. I am using Reason 11 and therefore the vst2...
Look a few posts above in my last post. You have to import every Sound Content Folder one by one.
All information I needed was here in the forum. I am on windows 10 using Reason 11: Installed Arcade Installed the newest JDK which contains the...
I got it to work too. The content is really high quality. Thx a lot Flare. Dream come true :wink: Now I am importing all the kits. It seems to be...
Did you already try "Batch re-save" for this library in Kontakt?
Yeah. I found this out too a few month ago ;-)
I like Reason. I used version 1-3 al lot when I was a student and 3 years ago I bought Reason 10 and now I got 11 Suite. What I really like a lot...
Yeah, I made it. It seems I had some invisible characters in my hosts file, which kept it from working. Adding these two lines to the hosts file...
So I found out that if I disable my network connection, everything works. No activation on startup then. I guess I just have to find out, what...
I tried to block via the hosts file, but this does not help. Does anyone have another idea?
My Beatformer also needs activation at every start.
I have Superior Drummer 3.2.3 and these 4 libraries. It works with that constellation. The versions of the libraries are The Blues EZX (1.0.0)...
Thanx for your answer. I'll try to block that. Do I need to to this in the hosts file?
Did you check, if that file exists in the STEAM folder of your omnisphere installation? If I remember correctly, there is a small installation of...
Ive got the R2R version of Rhythmiq v1.0.7 from the sister site installed. Before that I had the earlier versions installed. The activation window...
Anyone already made a wallpaper for Riffendium 5? Would be very much appreciated.
On sister site you will find a working version 3.XX with a keygen. Current version is 3.50, but this doesn't work with the latest keygen from R2R.
Hi! I just wanted to share what I just found out. If you've got some old liquid soundbanks from ueberschall you cam import these in the Elastik...
I am downloading "Jade" for two days now. I hope tomorrow the download will be finished. 100GB with 6MBits ist a real pain:rofl: Do you by any...
Could anyone create a wallpaper for "Strezov Sampling - MINImalism" and "Strezov Sampling - The Muted Seiler" :beg::thanks:
Separate names with a comma.