You don't know what your talking about. You are talking about quantize, i am on about locking clips to prevent them being inadvertently moved or...
NO, that's a different thing..
lol, indeed sorry for those who took offense. letting off steam... i demure and retire..
One, there must be some way of locking items in the timeline. the number of times this drives me crazy... is beyond number. accidentally move some...
damn this is annoying.. wonder why it works for some and not for others... i'll email their support i reckon...
not for 'we'... still no downloading happening...
nice effort.. but convoluted.. it seems that oboom is having probs on their side. today i can upload but not download... so eventually i tried...
deepbrid only allows remote uploads if you have a premium account...
good luck searching. i've lookedeverywhere and there is nothing ( at least on the surface) that works like oBoom. for remote URL uploads at least..
because you can paste links ( remote uploads like on uploaded) and it will download and bypass all that crap you have to go through if you use the...
not working here still... the alternatives mentioned are utter shite in comparison..
yep.. nothing else. i've read someplaces it's because bitwig is coded differently to other DAWs.. something to do with it being JAVA based? i...
i am on Win10 and trying to run Bitwig but if i have the firewall on it will not load my m-audio asio drivers and therefore will not make any...
the 'creepy doll' is the highlight of my day : )
++1 this was a great discovery - i use it on nearly everything...
i'm not sure if this is helpful. if i have notes recorded into the piano roll, i can drag a midi file from the browser into it and a window...
ahhh.. oh well it's the taking part that counts (?)...
there where clips, i am sure in version 9. i was wondering what happened to them myself. it was really handy for drums... maybe they are there...
Samplitude... and, my personal fav has always been Vegas Pro
HOLY F***IN S**T! that makes me feel relatively normal and restrained with my own plugs... : )
Separate names with a comma.