Yep its a load of crap, it costs more to charge than it does to use. Nothing is that efficient!
Maybe she is the one you should be talking to about your problems? They other guys are right though, eat properly and exercise will work wonders...
Looks pretty awesome, well done *yes*
Yes with au on Mac but vst works fine.
Got it thanks, great price!
I use midi to trigger LFO tool, it solves any timing issues.. Trouble is though you'll end up with a shit load of midi tracks to trigger each...
I want!!!
Great picks though lol.. I fancy 1 myself but then again I would probably spend the little extra and go for the Apollo twin duo
The duet is iPad and mac only.
For cheap cards, you really can't go wrong with these.. Or...
Open the lane up to make it wide as possible, you should be able to get the number you are after.
Those testers are a waste of time and will reveal nothing about the issues you are experiencing. Call your landlord or an electrician. The...
What's so funny? This is how you authorise NI products. Edit: My bad I see what you mean :P @anon.. Even if you don't use 64x you should grab it...
Sounds like you have automation on the midi clip it self and not in a dedicated lane for the cut off... Not sure how you would undo that on logic?...
Oh come on its like an extra 35gbp per monitor, that's nothing compered to what he stated his budget was.. You don't agree with me, fair enough...
I think your making too much of his corner setup. Im using hs7s in a "corner setup" and it really isn't an issue. After a while who knows he may...
Buy monitors, I wouldn't trust anyone's opinion if they told you otherwise for producing.
He is considering buying 5inch monitors, I'm advising against this by going for something a little bigger, still suitable for a small room and in...
The 5inch monitors will lack bass, you should demo some at your local store. I have some yamahas hs7s in a smallish room, they sound great and...
Customer surveys usually are for customers, the clue is in the title lol
Separate names with a comma.