no forum can answer you your mind or "soul" or way of life.. only your self.. no doctor can fix you.. or pill..
they are both behringer audio cards.. m1 sonoma logic here latests.. all.. this hapens with other audio interfaces too.. not only with...
can someone explain me why when you combine 2 audio cards and the drift correction is on.. has to be.. it cuts 2 khz above? it does not picks...
2023 and they implemented a channel strip at the left of the daw like logic.. or anyother daw.. and move things from the right to the left.. like...
y que diablos de mexico? igual
with all this A.i. crap why nobody made an App that fix this analyzing the whole track or podcast etc?... a.i. is focusing on the wrong things.,,...
with 1 string it's more than enough at any tune... it's all the same..
don't think about things that way.. just work and make music.. stop being a clone and follow the rules etc
forget about books.. ... just go outside in the sun light and move your hand FAST.. you will see what i mean..60 looks un real and really bad.. in...
yes the human eyes don't register movement like 60 fps that why it looks so bad .. 24 fps is much much better and natural for the human eye.....
60 fps looks terrible ..
neural eats the cpu too much and the otherone that is free too.. sound good but eats to much cpu.
humans like hand made and things made by humans ... things make with A.i. has no value at all. A.i. has no soul and life... has nothing to...
share your sesion.. online so we can check
why is people so Happy about Cloning things?... Cloning a sound has no creativity.. in fact.. make your own sound is harder to achieve... maybe...
those youtubers give me the creeps
no luck i had tried everything
yes i know that trick thanks ... no luck with meldaproductions 15 on m1 ventura or sonoma .. i will have to wait for ver. 16
no luck i try it and it crashes .. melda productions 15.0 in monterrey it works
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