There is an amplitude Facebook group where you can go and download presets for free. Also, the copy of amplitude 5 from the other site included a...
The old adage if it's too good to be true it usually is springs to mind.
I just did a search and download and it's working fine for me.
I checked it after seeing this thread and it's still up and working.
The only reason that I use Reaper is for my guitar plugins. I could not find a specific tutorial so I ended up experimenting until I discovered...
That is one of the main reasons why I won't buy one. Also the HX Stomp updates are keeping me happy. I would say that the industry is around three...
Did you previously have the free version of Tonex that only allows twenty amp downloads? Because it sounds to me that some leftovers are messing...
Thank you for putting in the effort.
And I should remember because of A, my psychic abilities or B, my elephants memory?
The page number of your original post would be been useful. I'm sure that people do not want to go through whole thread searching for your post.
The first one is... The third one I'm guessing as the name ends with an r instead of a T is......
It works fine for me. But I did not install it in Admin mode and I'm using Windows 11. Also, if I close it and then reopen it. The programme opens...
You should really read the Tonex thread. The information that you require is there. Then download a Library file from the Tonex thread and then...
You could also import one from Japan. This shop sells both new and used. They have some very nice looking Telecasters....
My audio system works great, it's called my ears and they saved me from listening to no more than a minute and a half of him rambering on.
I was thinking, does she have a bass guitar amplifier to play it through? Because she will need a means to amply the sound by some means....
Buy something decent. A bad bass will put her off playing and a good one will not lose much value and may even increase in value in the long term....
I get my PC building and Tech news info from these guys. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
I use the two databases and swap them around. At the end of the day nobody needs 12000 or whatever it is now profiles. So be ruthless and get rid...
Just Google list of US bookshops. Main US bookshops, Best rated US bookshops. US bookshops by state. Largest US bookshops. Most Popular US...
Separate names with a comma.