Hi all i want to buy an external USB-C Audiointerface. So Guitar no Vocals no ext. Synths etc. My internal Card (audiophile2496) is then with...
Hello, I would like to upgrade my AudioPC in the near future. My budget is 2000€. So i make electronic music without vocals I have Bitwig 4 and...
Hi all I´m searching for complex electronic Loops like the Loops from Twisted Tools from Richard Devine, Evac, Ion Diver...etc. Thank you in...
Thank you for the answer BEAT16 but also the regfiles ? and ras3 files ? I cant uninstall the Plug with CCleaner it says ....the files cant be...
Hi all i try to update some NI Plugs on Win7 like FM8 or Transient Master ..... and i receive a dialog window which contains the following text:...
here this can be a solution but i dont know exaclty how he did it I had to use the NVIDIA Control Panel and assign that Ableton Live 10 used...
Hi all I´m on Windows 7 SP1 and Ableton Suite 11 with an Nvidia GeForce GTX750 newest driver so when i unfold or collapse in my chain a Device...
Auto-Warp long Samples is on When i drag the Samples from the Arranger direct to User Library Samples It creates an .alc file......this works fine
Hi I´m on Win7 and Ableton 11. When i put an Audio Drum Loop into the Arranger View lets say a Drumloop 120 BPM 4 Bars and stretch the Drumloop...
pan right ...sorry there are many other presets which are great but i want to understand .......why it is like that
can confirm the issue from Hareesh S. I´m on Win7 Ultimate SP1 Portal v.1.0.1 R1422 This is a User from AN which says the same: some of the...
Same here in Studio One V5 and Bitwig
ahhhh find a workaround 1. right click on the Master BPM and choose delete automation 2. if you want it back press (Win) Strg+z for undo or move...
i forgot to mention it is in the arranger view my tempo automation on the master lane
Hi all i have draw an automation lane in the Master Track for Song Tempo. Is it possible to deactivate this lane.....so i can turn it on or off...
Hi all how can i copy an audio clip in the Arranger View with automation in the Master Lane (Tempo) ? only with select the clip and automation and...
Hi I want to record my "crazy" Sounddesign direct from the Output of my Soundcard What is the best Programm to record in a good quality ....WAV 24...
ArticStorm thank you for this idea and then i can modulate all 16 with one knob if i want right ?
its a mess to searching in the Max for Live resource Site
Hi is there any other XY-Pad Device than this old one out of the Max for Live Essentials Pack where can i map more than 2 Parameters ? Anyone know...
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