Thanks, jmoutton! I know what you mean. When i first tried some ampsims live, i used reaper, an interface, and an easy footcontroller, just to...
Just for further clarification, thats what i play as a setup so far: Amp A -> Engl Screamer Half Stack, 2 Channels Loop 1 -> Reverb, Delay,...
Thanks Stevie! All is fine, i'm old and grumpy myself. I played more than 20 years with a Marshall stack and my guitar. Nothing else! It was the...
Thanks, everybody! :wink: But i should have explain it better, cause everyone seems to misunderstand it. Normally, guitarists should know exactly...
It means, 14 pedals arranged in 5 or 6 loops, connected and controlled by the switcher/controller i am looking for. These units usually have 4, 6,...
I am experimenting with a new live setup, but i'm stuck with a special task, maybe someone here knows a solution for: There is: 1 guitar 3 amps...
Danke Luke, EAC hatte ich schon gar nicht mehr auf dem Zettel! Gute Idee! Und danke auch an Beat, du bist immer ratzfatz da, wenn man ne Frage hat...
Ich hab beim Aufräumen zwei Kartons mit alten musikalischen Jugendsünden gefunden. Anstatt die Belege früherer Geschmacklosigkeiten des nächtens...
First of all: Respect to everybody showing his projects here, asking for critics. Here are my 2 ct: The harmony and melody seem to me like an AI...
What he said!
Couldn't find the specs on their page, does it work on good old W7?
You are absolutely right about the singing. On Brufords Master Strokes album, theres one vocal song, where Jeff sings. Not the best decision. But...
Simply: Jeff Berlin.
Da legst di nieda!
I'm too lazy to read all the 49 pages, but did anybody already mention this one: On that...
"Need help writing my very fictional novel about a thief" Did he steal your pencils?
Only if you want to be heard ...
Thank you, @BEAT16 ! :wink:
I see only Software-Deals so far. Anyone seen any nice Hardware offers for Black Friday?
If my old brain serves me right, there once was a member, mentioning a website just for the love of keygen music. Including keygens for (old)...
Separate names with a comma.