Of all of them arturia has the laggiest gui and loading times.
More sooner than later, devs need to think of parallelizing DSP, possibly using GPU for this purpose. Even DAWs do many things in a painfully...
Program Files/Common Files/VST3 is no longer the only location a VST3 can be. VST 3 Plugin Locations .vst3 as a single DLL was deprecated long...
Vst3 is just an extension. If a plugin exports VSTPluginMain or main function it most likely also works as a VST2 plugin natively without any kind...
Today in the morning I woke up at night - demberto, 2022
Seems like a new company, must be really hard to find their stores
I go wherever I find a home
I use my second ISP which uses ADSL telephone lines so its limited to 10Mbps download but reloading any page blocked by government makes it start...
Leechall provides 850MB/day free for KatFile. But you have to pass through like 5 links to finally start downloading.
I think you need to install N2 first and then N3.
If its a MIDI effect, load it as a synth. FL doesn't support VST MIDI effects. I don't think any dev can get that wrong, tbh. EDIT: Looks like...
Are you living under a rock? Steinberg did exactly the same thing with Cubase 12, what stops the others from following that? And there's a thread...
Maybe they are doing this in the hope of getting cracked? And hopefully have more customers ultimately?
The Matrix was true after all
JUCE adds a lot of garbage to the final release bundle, maybe uncompiled code as well. Try running all-in-one ripper from ExeInfoPE on a JUCE...
Uhh, well its an FLP parser i think its in c++. There are no tools for your purpose specifically, you need some programming skills. Check your DM.
Wait for an year till Win 11 gets stable, oh wait what? Its already outdated!
You don't need to worry unless you are sending it to IL, nobody cares. Recently I found a tool on Github it can decode the jumbled up name and...
It never sounds as good as Kontakt ones but it always somehow works in a mix.
Separate names with a comma.