SOPA & PIPA passed transparent to public eye, otherwise, this would not be occurring. They dont have to tell you there is a law, or that one...
anonymous = doj/nsa/cia/fbi/mi6/etc/etc/any 3 letter acronym for a superimposed organization above government :)
probably because torrents died years ago when people got tired of getting DDoSd 24/7 on any given torrent on any given public/private tracker
Filesonic & Wupload are the same company. Fileserve/Uploadstation/Filejungle are the same company too. has also shut down access as...
damn. hope they get a good lawyer. im sure they are millionaires, so its all good :)
vinyl is expensive. i sold my rig and all my records years ago for that reason alone. couldn't afford it anymore. digital music is way more...
ah yes, the car is one of best producers trick in the industry its like your own private sound proof (mostly) listening booth :) *given if you...
(>^_^(>O_o)> me - mAC
yea i was speaking in terms of the severe lack of software (from any perspective) for the most part. like why get a mac if you need software?...
probably not, nobody uses a mac that has any brain cells. :D
yea im an avid collector, i have vol.2 but have never seen vol.1 sorry ;(
Groups come and go. Groups are one day legends, and the next day jokes. This is common turnaround, and has been since the beginning. It is nothing...
who uses torrents anymore at all? i havent downloaded a torrent in at least 3 years. it even takes up to 6 months for private trackers to get...
would be nice to win for free, only to sell it to someone else :D except im not keen on those three letter acronyms for various government...
do you realize that FL studio has a joke for copy protection in comparison to Nexus? how can you even remotely relate the two in contrast to one...
unless ASSiGN gets the syncroshit down, you'll probably never see it, and your idea is only sufficient for 1 license for 1 person. if i read...
ableton software needs to be 75% for being such a buggy POS. it sure isn't worth the price, and hasn't been for many years. developers dont seem...
being the master at mastering vocals, of course!
i use a cakewalk (roland/edirol) fa-66 interface. overall i am extremely pleased with the unit. especially driver stability/compatibility & built...
Separate names with a comma.