thats what happens when you dont use a firewall and let all your dumb stuff call home :)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: that seriously made me lol IRL. keep dreaming.
:grooves: :dancing: :grooves:
no such thing. these headphones are no different than a 5 dollar pair from your local all-purpose variety superstore. this brand is one of the...
there should be a big headline at the top "Want the MAC version? well... you should have bought a PC! OTHERWISE STFU!" only like...
if you don't know the answer to your own question, then i don't really know what to say.
basically you would have to use something like tor or i2p and use a vpn through it along with something to obfuscate your traffic. its not...
yes it is normal to have 4+ version of both vc++ 2005 & 2008 .. x86 & x64. each version operates independently within its own sidebyside space,...
didn't some other retard ask about this just earlier today? not to mention the 294308234908234 other idiots who just cant seem to get the hint?
lol. you already answered the problem yourself in your post. *facepalm*
anonymous/lulzec/etc is a joint (counter)intelligence operation by various government/private organizations/agencies/entities. i wish i could find...
i empathize with your frustration, because i found myself in the same situation right after i signed up, which just happened to be when all the...
I have zevera, and minus the reported hosters that are down, i get working links from almost every other supported hoster, including all the ones...
thats what you get for buying a product from a company with absolutely zero credibility other than a remarkable marketing strategy. kind of like...
ableton needs to fix the monumental list of bugs they have with 8 before they move on to 9.
zevera was all jacked up when the issues with the cyberlocker services started. i couldn't get a working link to save the day, with any supported...
how are you going to stop something that is already law in 23+ countries? it was signed in to law in the USA back in october of last year. lmfao....
fake like all the others. google it. there wont be another megaupload. if you insist that there is, you are more than likely part of the joint...
they have even more bills just like this some are even targeted towards pedo shit, but achieve the same goal all in one through vague wording. if...
nobody wants to waste their bandwidth except to download, not upload! lol. thats why torrents are effectively dead. the file hosters killed the...
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