This looks very nice, I still use Version 10, could you share this Theme?
FL Studio 20 Release Candidate Can someone remove the logo from the ILGlyphsEx.
Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB 1607 Gen2 is the best version for Audio DAW, W7 was once good but it don't meet the standards out of the box. This is the best one to use for all the Visual C++ runtimes.
It is bullshit if your using say a i5-i7 Z170 upwards because Moore's Bogus Laws kinda of ends there. I have the ASUS 1080 TI also and never had...
When installing NVIDIA Drivers checkbox just the driver only, some other stuff will still install regardless. When installed go to your windows...
Sounds good, did you do the black and white skin for 12.5.1???
It's Grudges theme not Loy's
Nice one.
Hey Loy have you updated your skin to the latest version?
Do I have this version?
Thanks that was fast.........
Update for FL 12.5.1 build 5
Thanks works great.
This looks great thanks, when you got time can you do one without the blue shade round the generators on channel rack.
FL Studio Resources 14-10-2017 Added FL Studio 11 skins, quantization, startup sounds plugins skins.
They did ask him to it post the skin and they also told him to open a thread for it so they don't seem to mind.
Separate names with a comma.