I happened to follow this 'discussion'. In case anyone wants to know the whole background story: >CLICKY<
Not sure if i understood you right, but if i wanted the audio of say an AddictiveDrums beat on an audio track i would just do this: 1) Load AD...
In my opinion they shouldnt have touched the GUI at all. It was perfectly perfect as it was...its such a shame to see it ruined like that just...
Fastest to turn an idea into an audible result: Orion Unfortunately it lacks big time in certain departments, i.e. no freezing, no stems,...
Well, what exactly are you looking for? And yes, you can send MIDI from one inst to another in S1, (using the grey dropdowns in the tracks is one...
GUI changes ticked me off too. Especially that puke-ugly 'peppermint-blue' they chose for the highlighted panels makes me cringe everytime i look...
I like the direction this goes into. Being unspeakably disappointed in Studio One 2 (i had a bad feeling right from the start but i would have...
OK...heres the Nepheton Note-Maps for all MARVIN DrumMachines, including channel-label translations. (Where required.) HowTo ---------- Copy...
PS: If anyone wants to drive Tromine GT with the sequencer of d16s Nepheton, heres the required notemap: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>...
Yeah, i knew that of course. It just didnt come out quite the way i intended. What i meant was simply that i sometimes prefer using the JM-1...
Most definitely. You can even do a simple direct comparison by hooking the D16s MIDI out to the MARVINs MIDI ins, firing off the D16s sequencer,...
Darn, thats rather good stuff indeed! A little verb, some EQ, and you should be able to use those in nearly any electronic track you want! :)...
Wolfgang Palm, known as the father of WavetableSynthesis, (PPG Wave etc.), has made his softsynth PLEX free for everyone. Download:...
I would do the comparsion but i dont have this package myself. Since my music is synthesizers-only i practically have no use for guitar samples...
A nice way of scaring people. But it might be just that: Scaring tactics. Certainly way cheaper than actually 'watermarking' each and every copy...
No, im afraid i dont know more than anyone does at this point. But it wont be long now. The news could be coming our way any day now. EDIT:...
Studio One here. I need a DAW thats simple to work with and so far i have seen only 2 others which fit that bill (Orion and energyXT) but both...
I once devised a much simpler solution for this when i hacked together a dedicated setup for Drums Overkill. (Based on a Kontakt 3.5 which i...
Heres a copy of a post of mine (it was about FM8 1.1.1) from May this year on avax. Background was that i was annoyed that they would add another...
I agree. Edison is a powerful and versatile tool and its good to know how to use it. My only gripe with it is that it doesnt provide the same...
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