Yeah i overdo the drums ,thanks for the feedback
You are right i i was really heavy handed with the drums , thanks for for the head up.
Other mix did it today original no mastering :[MEDIA] my mix no mastering also, opinions welcome:[MEDIA]
Help me , im extending my hand im im totally new world, everything is new my confort zone dont exist enymore. its jus like im starting as...
I know what you is telling ,its about cohesion and balance, as im trying to do a clean mix it can become sterile ,and vocals im have allways...
Now that i have no studio , no console no pro monitoring no mastering room ,i have to reevaluate my mixing and mastering aproach, not easy that...
All users of audiosex i doit for free
I used to work in a studio with console room ,mastering room ,but now im working at home with hs5 ,no midfields no farfields i have to relearn...
Recalls are mostrly a rule than an exception ,problemsl ike that can be fixed ,just comunnication and its done. i appreciate the time you give to...
That kind of commentary is not helpfull at all its jus mean ,just say that my work is just worthless ,since i used to work at a studio as mix...
Thats exactly what mastering does ,little sparkle in the highs some height , some glue ,some stereo enhancing ,make it louder ,fix some minor...
Did no master that also , just the output mix .
Ijust did a mix for a tribute , did not master a track ,just a 2 hours mix .
In a tribute to Al Scmitt ,i did my take on Cyrille Aimee [MEDIA] if you want a mix send me a pm.
Now i mix a multitrack that i find in the web for free for and example of my work ,so no worry about copyrhight issues original studio mix...
Realy nice plug , since i dont understand eletronics, will be a nice addition a rondomize button , and thanks for ddmf and for the heads up.
Im the guy offerin mix and mastering for since the studio i used to work closed. i understand that somo people are afraid to get their track...
Hi lets me first introduce myself ,im a brazilian tracking ,mixing and mastering, engineer ,. i lost mi job in a small studio due to covid since...
Can someone share a link thru PM please ? thank in advance
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