I'm surprised. This update looks like it's actually going to be worth the 100 bucks.. most of the new plugins look like ripoffs of Izotope Ozone....
Anyone who left Cubase probably never read the fu**ing manual.....
[IMG] This is my favorite Oriental workstation.
I went to Uni for music. Great time. Learned lots. Definitely helped my understanding of what I play on my guitar. Was it necessary.. No. But...
[IMG] Better then rest...
No Problem on my end. Works great.
My favorite Guitar Picks would be the Black Hole and the Switchblade from V-Picks. They both have teh same specs, but the black hole has a hole...
No Problems with Windows 10. Works great on Cubase 10, Reason 10, Ableton 10 and Maschine. 2.8.. Must be a Mac problem...
Saturn is a great Plugin. I've never been a fan of Izotope Trash 2. Definitely looking forward to the upgrade.
Thanks. I just got it. I will give it a try. Cheers, OSP
thanks, I thought the company went under last year. The version I was using had stopped working.... Whats worse is that i paid for iy and did...
Thanks I will give this a try. Cheers! OSP
Can someone help me out here. I have set-up Voicemeeter with my DAW (Cubase) and OBS to record production tutorials for my students in the city...
The only change.. is that I'm eating more now that I'm at home.
I own a lot of plugins. Everyone I brought was cracked... Try before you buy... Whatever... Except Cableguys ShaperBox 2... Never got...
I had the pneumonia in the first week of january. It Lasted for a little more then 2 weeks. I literally felt like I was dying for the first 8...
It's an Opportunity...... :guru:
I thought I'd chime in here once this thread hit 10 pages. I don't use Mac so this does not affect me. Regardless... This drama will blow over...
Studio One Is still years behind Cubase for features, just like Reason. I have owned and updated Cubase since 2004. Other DAWs may have a...
Separate names with a comma.