Heres a freebie in Plugdata that can run in any host that is a bit more than just a sampler, more like a sample freaker. Its free and INSANE...
I really like the stuff from crow hill. Glass Strings - Cinematic, excellent library. String Murmuration & Small String Gestures- very...
Forgot about sample brain!! thanks for posting, its a fun one!
No doubt people will always be playing and recording real instruments, as thats part of the fun, and people do it for joy. However, AI can do a...
if you have ableton suite / max for live, there are so many awesome devices for messing things up. Otherwise, yes, granular stuff, muteable...
Sure, and in general i agree with you. But playing devils advocate, the prompter is still important. You can give the same request to four...
i have only used IR's from past to future, and they sound decent, but i use them for sound design, not for mastering. If you want "IR" saturation,...
Suno will win the DAW wars
I get where you are coming from, but prompting is still an art form in itself. Of course, you are not a master "artist" but getting from A - Z is...
i was working at 48k, but got similar results at 96. Not in eco mode, some of the presets had super stereo on. Super stereo is a massive cpu hog...
I use Fadr, its great, however there are possibly better options as pointed above. Fadr is also on steep sale for annual right now. 35$. It also...
banger of a song. still one of my all time favorites.
lol.. is not having a horse and buggy a bad thing??
seriously cant get over how good this thing sounds.
you should try it, but i would guess it doesnt save the wave file, but rather points to wherever it lives on your HD.
you could probably / possibly create an alternative account. If you use gmail. you can make alt accounts easily. Im not sure if their hub,...
Yah definitely, i agree, but still think this thing is killer. I do already use XYZ synth and treat it with either great algo plugins, or some...
for sure. Their installer app has been updated recently, and is way less buggy. The install size of this is also smaller than usual. 700mb i...
its much better, and doesnt really jam the CPU up. A little CPU heavy sure, but its not session stopping. Ive got 10 up and running right now with...
yup! no quality issue. the occasional wonkiness of "AI" vocals, but if you clean up and properly tune the vocal being used to trigger the plugin,...
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