Real-Debrid. All you need.
+1 for Bitspeek! :)
Reaper... all the way. For me, nothing touches it. But... be prepared for the massive 11mb download! ;)
Aalto (Madrona Labs).
For me personally, nothing out there touches Reaper. Nothing. You won`t believe what lurks within its` whopping 11mb download. It simply refuses...
Reaper. Hands down. Smooth as silk on my aging laptop. WARNING: Be prepared for a whopping 11mb download. ;)
Thx for the opportunity Thantrax! Very generous of you! My `winning` number is... 47. ;)
I`ve tried Ableton, PT and Bitwig. I then tried REAPER... and have never looked back. Fast, efficient, stable. Bought it the same day I tried...
I`m probably not much help here, but I have the DT 880 (600 ohm). They`re easily powered by my Project Ember amp. A great marriage. BTW: I wear...
Thanks for the heads-up, Voo! Based on your comments... along with some great reviews on the web, I`m gonna buy a pair tomorrow. Cheers!
Bought Age of Darkening last night. Excellent work Ned944! It sounds like `tomorrow`... PS: How do I get onto a mailing list for any future...
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