Yes. There is probably a time bomb with the 2.x by R2R.
Yes, it works great. No issue. But it's not the same soft and not the same sound... Modo Bass 1 is not Modo Bass 2.
Nothing special for the MIDI event... Only notes. No CC. If I add an another Modo bass 2 on the same track where a first Modo Bass 2 mutes my...
The Issue remains. I have made a clean uninstall with Revo, hosts, etc. The app seems to trigger the time bomb after it reads midi notes (after...
I will try to make a clean uninstall. Guys, none of you have a muted notes issue with this plugs (Modo Bass 2.0.2 by R2R)?
Same issue with "Once that happens, you need to track down the file locally and delete it." How I can do that?
I have tested with Sadly, time bombe remains...
Hi, After the time bomb, I wrote inside the Hosts file (inside : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) " "
Hello! After a period of time (less or more 30 minutes), some notes will be mutated by the software. The developers of IK MULTIMEDIA behave...
Last advices are big bullshit. Previous omnisphere cracked versions are time bombed.
It seems there is a time bomb with this version and other (even with R2R). Randomly, projects with OP-X PRO-II (from SonicProjects) will crash at...
I"m not here to ask help but to restore the truth about a situation. I'm realy pissed of about the all fake news and bad solutions about this time...
So funny, to talk about things which have absoutely no link with the issue! It's not a computer power issue but an issue with a protection anti...
Of course, like other false solutions, it solves nothing. Only vkDanilov works for this time bomb.
You do not help people actually. You are part of the problem by believing that yours very poors solutions are solutions to this problem.
It's wrong. You have the impression that it left, but the Time Bomb is still there. Only vkDanilov omnisphere hasn't this issue.
It's a myth. Nobody has managed to solve this problem using R2R cracks.
Do not be happy so quickly. Even R2R 2.6.4 has this time bomb issue...
It's wrong. They have never resolved this issue. For the moment, there is only two solutions: buy the legit omni or download vkDanilov version....
Separate names with a comma.