Scaler plugin. wonderful plugins for composers. [MEDIA]
Go to ebay !
It's not over for WINDOWS USERS, BUT for MAC USERS, YESSSS !
Im waiting for Cubase 11:disco:
$80 to update from Cubase 8.5 and $329 to upgrade. what is that?
That tutorial got 4 dislikes, with NO like. it is not good.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Open link for hackers today !:no::snuffy:
After Adam and Eve sin, all humans who came after are sinners automatically because the original nature was corrupted. Romans 3:19-26 Now we...
I don't know why you don't mention Digital performer 9 which has some really high quality plugins !
Who are you to think you can find answer to God creations? This what God said to Job who was asking him questions : The Lord Reveals His...
After they shut down my favorite torrent, kick ass, i got refuge in mac-torrent. i hope they don't attack it. :unsure::unsure::unsure:
I have a hackinstosh.DP9 never crashed.
You're right. Digital Performer 9.1 is OUT. I already installed it. I think it is a mistake to say DP 9.02.
I can't wait to see Protools and Cubase are on sale for 1 buck one day !:)
If you think you are free, raise your HANDS. :)
Reaper is open source too, right?
I got the same issue too but it was the result of the incompatibly of some plugins I have.
I'm about to delete 80% of my cracked plugins. even though , i don't make money yet. i always feel uncomfortable using cracked Softwares ! My Daws...
Now my question is what about people who use cracked EZ DRUMMER midi samples or addictive drums? :)
Jasmine, What about Mac OSX El capitan , doesn't apple do the same too?
Separate names with a comma.