everything went awry !! :( if possible do video from beginning to finish thank you
yah it breaks more apps like safari and more but can after working in your project can change back to original libstdc that is way i'am doing...
it is possible to send me just ready libstXX++.6.0.9.dylib and i start from step 2 ? thank you
I have live32 its not work any more forget 32bit Or another way can install Mojave to add a new partition on your hard disk and switch between...
mac os catalina libstdc Reboot into Recovery mode Restart and hold Cmd-R open terminal 1.csrutil disable inter restart and go normal mode...
Protools 2019.5 no any plug in work with apollo sound card any Help after Uninstall Not work ..???? :( Any Help System Mac Pro (macOS Mojave )...
thank u . but my point it how get clean and soft and smooth mix for this solo violin its not a project its just one track !
Thank you i understand you and you are right, but my idea its search and study many mixing ways of my music style like ( this violin solo style....
Thank you so much i well wait!
Of course i want to tell me how do you do it ! Thank you for your help its nice .! wanna see plugins screenshot how did you do it i try to use...
Need Help for soft and smooth mixing this solo violin ! 1. Tips 2. screenshot pictures ( presets settings of mixing this solo Violin ) 3. short...
How can get this mix ready or any tips !! soft and lush and smooth mix with speech and song !? for me thats lovely soft mix ! thank u for any...
so easy !!!!!! really thank you ..!!! :):wink::like:
system i use MacOs Sierra 10.12.3 !! NI Kontakt 5.6.6 for macOs Sierra !! .......................................... After update Kontakt 5.6.+...
about 2 years use Axiom pro 61 midi keyboard from M-audio in one second not work not any signal just blue screen nothing work any idea ??!! Thanks
i,m so so sorry ,, coz i take ur time ,,but still midi keyboard play same track whatever i,m thank uuu thats some pics about my setting [img]...
Thank uuu 4 quick answer .. but my mistake was to be shown Connection by USB ports must set up midi ports in Logic Pro X but Where is it,,??!!!!...
is it possible to use 2 midi keyboard for example ( Axiom Pro and novation ) at 2 different tracks how must set up inputs ..??! in NI Kontakt 5...
wow,, its nice touch keys ,, but Can M-audio Axiom pro do it.. and how.. ??!! i use with sax and trumpet but there is ready ,but didn't find with...
Kontakt standalone do this:- 1. go to this link http://www.hexler.net/software/touchosc 2. download TouchOSC Bridge andTouchOSC Editor for your...
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