SYX and MID are very old school dinosaur stuff. The can't retain sound desrciption info. FXB, FXP, and VSTPRESET are Steinberg file formats. They...
No. I can't load a .preset saved with one into the other. Nothing happens. I don't think there is a way to get fxp/fxb sounds into VST3 V-Station...
I guess the VST2 and the VST3 can both use '.preset' format. Both will export them, both will load them. Not true for the '.vstpreset' format,...
MID is not a good format. They do not hold the sound descriptions. DAYUM. FXP anf FXB seems preferred I guess at least for VST2. Moron tirade will...
WHat should I use for my final format? VST3 vstpreset? MID? Will MID hold the descriptions? That would be a universal format and good in my opinion.
Mother-Fuck. I got it to load in the VST2 version. Sorry. This steps up my V-Station game sevenfoldfive
I think I may have an idea. Switching from VST3 to VST2 .... feeling dumb. Says VST2 right in the filename. Am dumb.
I wish I could get FXB load to work. I have a shit ton of FXB for V-Station I can't hear. Older version you say...? Which one sir. Thanks for your...
fxb are kindah useless - can yeh press the export MID bank button?:guru:
how about a MID bank export my man
Looks like im doing it the hard way ...
Thanks !!
Hey has anyone seen a VStation librarian! I'd like drag n drop, name editing, etc. hopefully on MID files. I believe MIDI Quest might but was...
ANyone got the vocoder working - I assume the effect version is used. Just haven't had time. Will be trying here.
Separate names with a comma.