There are a lot, and i mean a LOT of posts like these on every single social media platform. Every single day. Why oh why do people keep buying...
The sole purpose of the dongle is to prevent software theft, so yeah, I'd most certainly think you'll find it very hard to duplicate :p The dongle...
Apple keep doing this. They've never given off a very customer-friendly vibe, have they xD Thank God I'm not stuck in that quagmire..
Ah yes, the compulsive liar, I remember him. Not a big fan..
There is so much confusion and hysteria about watermarks here, it's funny :)
You shouldn't use a "kit" imo, compile a new set of perc samples for each song, it's gives the best result imo, and it doesn't have to be a lot of...
None of the suggestions brought me even close to that sound (sorry Slaking), I guess I just asked at the wrong site/forum, people are talking...
Thank you for taking the time, I'll check it out as soon as I get the chance! :)
I've been fiddling with sound design lately but have a long way to go, I don't spend enough time with it and I'll probably never get very good at...
Not 100% sure, but I suspect "EDIROL HQ Orchestral v1.03" is an old version of the current Roland Sound Canvas. Can anybody confirm or disprove?
Roland VS SRX Orchestra is 222 mb, sounds really good: [MEDIA] You can go even lower than that with Roland (Edirol) Sound Canvas, you'll be...
Another ridiculous post. R2R or any other scene group don't reply on forums no matter what - there IS no composure whatsoever to talk about. R2R...
Big loss, but the brains behind the music is still alive and I honestly hope Liam will continue for as long as he lives. I think he will. My fav...
Big loss, but the brains behind the music is still alive and I honestly hope Liam will continue for as long as he lives. My fav Prodigy songs are...
Way back in 2006 Propellerhead held a competition called the "Big Sounds Championships"...
I'd rather do the same than use anything by apple.. different folks ;)
Reason is a fantastic invention and far more cleverly made than any other DAW I've tried. It encourages creativity like no other DAW. It's the...
This appeared on my google feed the other day, which is weird because it's from 2016! But I'm very glad it did, because I got a REALLY good laugh...
All devices are still bitmapped, but I think I read something about scaling some time ago, maybe you can double the size or smt, can't test it...
Propellerhead just released an IOS app (no Android yet!) called Compact. If you download this and log in (inside the app) to your Propellerhead...
Separate names with a comma.