Ehm... rutracker... ehemm :chilling: Sorry, whatever this dank stuff is, it's really hard on the throat.
Yeah, before you delve into the huge variety of compressors, you want to have a solid understanding of the basics. What attack and release exactly...
I only wish there was a way to use it as a SC compressor in Ableton Live. Or at least a HP filter knob so it can be used on the 2 buss without...
How would you rate Console 4, in comparison to its older versions/other console emulations like VCC, NLS, Sonimus, AnalogStage? I've only just...
Yeah, I'm going to send some donations his way. He deserves them.
Nice!!! :thumbsup:
Demonoid is invite-only with periodic open registration. I think it's open right now, so if you don't have an account, it'd be a good time to get one.
Decentralization is the answer. Implement something like the Bitcoin block chain to allow distributed search of the Bittorrent network, then use...
Slate has finally done it! We virtually emulated Fabrice Gabriel's brain chemistry, so that he can whip up whatever algorithms you instruct him to...
Give it a fast attack, fast but not dramatic decay, moderate release, slight filter envelope to accentuate the pluck. Introduce unison and +1...
Are you using ASIO or DirectX/MME? The sound is very different for each, at least on my machine. DirectX generally sounds more brittle with...
Ahaa, so that's melbourne bounce. I keep seeing all these sample packs for it and didn't know what it was. It kind of caught my ear though for...
Hey guys, I'm curious. What is the style of music that starts at 1:21 in this video? [MEDIA] I can't pinpoint it, it's been driving me a bit crazy.
I'm not saying Russia is benign... however, they are saints compared to the US in the past 5 decades or so. The US has invaded so many countries...
All I hear about on the TV news is Russian aggression, Russian aggression... All while NATO troops are massing on Russia's borders and holding war...
It seems like a simpler version of Kush Audio's Clariphonic, mind you. That is one cool plugin. So is the Kush Pusher - which resembles waves...
Part of me wants to say, good god Waves, this is probably the most gimmicky plugin I've ever seen. It looks like it's targeted at budding teenage...
Careful, posting links to warez is against the rules. I'm a big fan of the Pro-Q2 visualizer. I really wish Fabfilter would make a dedicated...
This reminds me of old VCR recordings played back on a cheap machine. You can achieve this with a tape effect with lots of hiss, wow and flutter....
What does it mean? Is it a watermark to identify the purchaser? Edit... ahaaa, that's really interesting. So it leads to that book.
Separate names with a comma.