wow that sounds nothing like jinsang... i have to admit, it reminds me of my grandma saying that it's all the same thing. ANyhow, for my personal...
i here ya... Ive never really been into a lot of it, but i of course like drums, and mixing with that 60's 70's type corny tv vibe music is...
horrible... will send some energy his way.:( :sad: I echo all other thoughts about a full recovery.
antonio carlos jobim? btw? yer the man art!! thank you... yeah I have a Bacharac record that I thought sounded similar. THank you
This guy has a good amount of "beats" out there... it sounds like it's mostly stuff from old vinyls or something with a hip hop beat over em...
i guess that's a statement about the music you listen to... when in history did artistic expression end exactly (sarcasm.. cuz it didn't)?
I recently went back to Reason... however, there's still one remaining issue I have with Reason, that keeps me tethered to Ableton. I do not...
If you listen to it once... then MAYBE,,, maybe you might be subconsciously challenged by the title, and of the type to just be a jerk, and so you...
holy sh!t.. WOW!!.... that is a LOW... totally rock-bottom move there... jeez... if I had the money i'd have been there on that... I figure UAD is...
good to have this thread... yeah I have been over my addiction for 2 years maybe?.. but I admit, with the reappearance of Modulus, I've had to "go...
big thanks for access to software... i dedicate a Dub One track to them: [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] i know ... i know... he supports the eugenics-based UnPlannedPH... but it comes with the territory... this guy canNOT make a bad song
for what specifically tho? honestly... is anyone else annoyed by "Thanx R2R.. can I suck yer d1ck R2R?.. how bout now?... YAY r2r!!... can I...
I heard it on good authority that this douche bag would only show up to a venue once a young boy was waiting in his hotel room for after the...
I loved Mavericks... but somehow I am on El Cap and will stay there as long as I can... cant remember how I got there... but a lot of Xanax was...
almost mono?.. is anyone else kindly in disagreement with that thought? i hear panning/etc sounds going all over.
great thoughts... wow. I am down with Basinski... not sure how i feel about the stark bonedry minimalism and the any connection to genius.... I...
wow that's amazing... I always wondered about that.. great question... great answer
THIS!! The post of the century.... absolutely astounding information here.
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