hahahhahah no cousin!! we came back with a message of peace!! no more fight between toads and frogs (by the way we are more ancient) hahaha
out of mind :D
i like the lead and the melody! the way how it sound the kick is maybe too much punchy?
hello, as described on the object, i cant make work any u he plugin since i update the last version of abl 10 and logic prox . i am running on...
hello, this is still in hardsyle / tekno style but little crazy loving play with distorsion on kick bass!! what do you think? it make any sense?...
ahhhaha man.. thank you for this !! :thanks::knock: thats my choose ahhaahh
hello all... very raw version, need to go deep in the mix and find some ideas for the structure! all advice will be appreciated thanks u [MEDIA]
i am a big fun of this style! like egypt/bellydance music.. i understand is something is just programmed on pc and not real live instruments...
:D thanks for listening mr ace! :D
i like it too!! good work on the battery, it's sampled from some psychedelic rock song that now i dont rimember the name! im pretty sure this...
thanks! i find my self agree with your points :) i think i have to work a bit more on the kick /bass that now sound little bit confused.. one bass...
i think is more close to hardtek you can cheek some tracks on this mix [MEDIA]
roma un fa la stupida
thanks for your help! im not sure you get the right focus on the genre ;) always happy to read from you! thanks you and i try to dont make the...
hello, work in progress fast and power style becouse people need to have fun and use the energy for jump!!! can you do it?? hahahhah please...
he is taking another :D now 303 time :P and i have a flower gun!!
thanks to yours beautilful advices the toad is coming back from his trip and is safe !!! ahhaha
i love this style, a lot og 80's ispiration.. i will try to go over psychedelic sound but still in 80/90 style. like Inhalt or westban and all...
hello this toad is under acid trip in all his envelope.. he want escape but the hallucinogen goes stronger and stronger. any suggestion? [MEDIA]
works perfectly with blue cat patchwork! thanks so much ;)
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