This actually put a smile on my face! Great job with this dude. I might have approached this a bit differently but other than that... RIGHT ON!
dude that sound like something a politician would say... Here is the bottom line.. I know your asking for help and all and there is nothing wrong...
wow yo... that is COLD man LOL
My heart breaks for the victims of the attacks... I hope that ISIS... if they are responsible which reports say they are.. burn in hell! My...
I am gonna give it a test run on OS today will let you know after a few days how it runs
This is an awesome collection. I wonder since this is watermarked. If someone were to put t on a download site... how can it be used without...
no need to compress a snare if the sample s really good! if its a quality sample, it will have already gone through some processing. To get the...
Hoy Copylefter!!! Ti auguro un buon compleanno. Che tutti i tui desideri si possano avverare!!! buon compleanno HOY! :) David
Monitors are something you do want to spend a lot of $$$ on. They are truly the most important "INVESTMENT" that you can make. However, If you...
Send me your ideas and thoughts to [email protected] and I will see how I can help you out. I do graphic and motion graphics design.
It is true that its a preference amongst producers. IMO and seems many others as well, is that you should not really produce at high volumes due...
comb-filtering is not bad but it is really easy to abuse and mangle if not careful, you really need to use your ears well and be very familiar...
The best way to fix this situation is to notch filter out that frequency range but not to the point it becomes dull. You do need some of that...
you should be able to map any parameter to S1 that you choose. Really what it all comes down to in the end, is knowing what functions your in...
The thing that you have to keep in mind with any monitors in a room are these 1. No matter what or how good your monitors are, if your hearing is...
i just stuck with 5.0.2 because of that exact reason... there were too many problems that kept messing with my libraries.
I said it before and I will say it again... I am not complaining in the least. I am just posing the question....
Kontakt is really amazing. Iownu... what are you trying to do with Kontakt that you wanna go for the "Under The Hood" way so to speak.
Hey everyone, happy holidays first of all to everyone around the world. Had a question wanted to get some feedback. does everyone who happens...
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