Elitist bullshit isn't usually popular, no.
By "humanization features" I meant anything that effects the timing of the beat, I should have been more clear. With that said, it's still true...
A variable to consider is Apple's acquisition of Camel Audio a few years back. Apple may have decided to hold back on including Alchemy in 10 if...
Open up a sampler, toss in a nice chunky closed hi-hat, place a hit on every 16th note in a bar, then loop that bar and press play. Now, tell me...
Do I ever use Tom's... social media site, Myspace, to promote my music? Well, I did in 2005, but not so much any longer. Thanks for asking! Now...
The notion that (and I paraphrase) "numbers don't lie" so therefore "you can't go wrong" is at best mindless misuse of the expression, at worst it...
Yes, numbers don't lie, so you can never make an error using them. No one has ever made an error using numbers! They don't lie! And if they don't...
For the love of all things decent and good in this world, instead of alleging bizarre scenarios involving a dev giving away free-but-sabotaged...
And here I thought Microsoft had taken it upon themselves to update Sylenth1 for some reason. Edit: I am illiterate.
Even though I know the word is used to describe things with a dual function, I still find "tour bus cum studio" slightly amusing.
Ah, but I didn't say "how many #pizzagaters are flat earthers". In order to be aware of something confined by the internet (not by conspiracy,...
I wonder what percentage of flat earthers are also #pizzagaters... I'm going to guess 80%.
Correct. U.S. interference with Iranian politics and government dates back to the 1953 coup d'état deposing Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddddegh...
Kanye was amusing, especially his first couple of replies, but as mentioned in the video, they were a little stale. But it wasn't enough to...
It's option+arrows, as well as option+trackpad, and I believe even option+magic mouse if you are using one. EdIt: Oops, maybe it's not...
This is more or less a tip for anyone, but especially in Logic... Even if you use a midi keyboard for note input, learn just about ever piano roll...
Not only does this "opinion" fail to see the forrest for the trees, it's also sexist. There are multiple factors driving Apple to streamline the...
This comment next to your profile picture makes said profile picture appear to be a fleshlight. Just thought you should know. Edit: Oh, and I...
[MEDIA] Oh, hey... a free update, no less.
I will gladly pay the $200 for Logic 11, whenever that happens. And I do so hope the Camel Audio team has a large hand creating it. Perhaps I...
Separate names with a comma.