Have redid the default skin for the Omnisphere 2.6 update its just black and white again with blue bits here and there and the fx in color, its...
Update Version 2.6 is out :wink: will have to remake the skin lol...
There could be a quick fix version from them about the pluginscaner cause it just keeps scanning plugins / win 7, had to use the one from 4.1.3 to...
@Elbys Gonzalez I can't post it with a keygen added ,but if you have your own keygen you could try this one Midnight Skin x64.rar
Yep sorry about that ,forgot about the 2.5.1 update a few weeks back will add it into the update 2.5.1d now. @Lois Lane yes it will work for you...
@DbZ Sometimes is quicker to just try things out for yourself but i thinks r4e said to make sure fl is not running is the best way :wink: Ps:...
@r4e thank so much, the (delete) effect.fst that you shared works ok now and i can remove the plugins like before :thanks: I just seen i forgot...
I can't get any plugins to be removed from the mixer once there added :dunno: i have to go to the default settings preset and reset the full fx...
Came across this a while ago on tubeyou ,was some good info :wink: [MEDIA]
Ok here we go again :bleh: ,its not as good as i wanted but will have ta do us for now. Somethings cannot be changed in the rc...
I know a very quick way to sort out the database manually by vendor, You remove all your plugins by just renameing your plugin folder and make a...
If you use fl studio or studio one you can also use eader daws browser windows to load in fxp & fxb in fl studio its mouse weel click and studio...
Not if your batman :wink: ho wait thats sonar echolocation :rofl: you can do batch convert in phoshop and just record what you do to one png and...
Am working on remaking the dark skin for 887 but not to sure when it will be ready or whats parts will be missing, but its started anyways whats...
Took all of 5 sec ta make a dark skin for the night, just has the color removed lol its added into the not patched version 2.5 ,if anyone whats ta...
you cannot see the blacklisted keycode cause its inside the plugins and there wraped in something like VMP best of luck :wink:
Its sneaky what they do, but not as bad as what they use to do. when a user shares his working new key its blacklisted not only in that plugins...
@TaxiDriver yep is the same one ,i have no info with it but is dated 2011 will play the music in it for a while now why i try hold back the tears
This should fix it ,will also send you a pm cause there is more reading info this is the short version lol Firts run this reg...
All the info before 2018 is outdated there is a fix info that ya need to read that gets all tone2 plugins working will have a look for it.
Separate names with a comma.