Woah man, that's a great mix. Gj. I'll upload my next vid soon, sorry about the delay.
Check out reaper, it's freeish and as good (arguably better) than protools. Otherwise do a search, there's a protools 10 crack that works,...
Mate that's so clean, you've got skills man.
@Master Q I think I shared my stems on Dropbox to that email address, can you check it worked?
OK Here's my attempt. I'm currently uploading the video of me creating it. I'll post it when it's done. [MEDIA]
Sorry guys, just been a little busy today, in a few hours, after I've been out to dinner I'll upload a vid of me making a track in an hour.
Oh shit, I only just read this. I better get a move on.
There was a big thread on the KVR forums where users pretty much guessed that maybe Bitwig was about to either do 2 things. Release a major...
And with that story, you win the Internet.
I like drummers perspective, it doesn't really matter in the end, as long as you don't mix up and your OH are panned one way when you HH is panned...
I'll address the drums next. :)
Yup I did :) So I used both automation and Serial Compression.
Mixing Safety in Slumber: This time I work on the main vocals, with effects, serial compression and automation. [MEDIA]
No worries man, sorry I haven't uploaded another earlier. Just finished uni for the year so I have more time for some more very soon.
Some bright spark thought "Oh I know, people love vinyl lets make a pluging that replicates the distortion cracks pops and noise floor, people...
Mixing Safety in Slumber Part I: In this video I tackle the drums, and make them METAL!!! [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.