Thanks, i never knew it was more of a personal thing, always thought certain drum sounds strictly had to be either mono or stereo. Trial and error...
MASCHINE! Native Instruments' Maschine is great, as drum machine, great step sequencer for playing live, making music, and integrates in with your...
Okay, thanks. Well final thing, I just need to know what drums should be kept together and what ones not? Basically, what drums should be kept...
Woah. So much buss talk.... I really don't understand all of the sub/mix/bus. I know about sending a track to a bus/aux track in Logic and then...
My mate (who i don't speak to anymore) told me a long while ago about grouping my drums together/sending my drums to a bus, he said only certain...
Thanks for sharing man!!
Just wish the Logic Remote Control was set up for Logic Pro 9! I'm just not ready to make the move form 9 to X yet :facepalm:
There are Apps in the iPad for Logic Pro, too. and Ableton!
I never said I did write it, I simply posted it. I dont think it is cheating, UNLESS your ENTIRE production is all loops from packs. You can use...
[MEDIA] ;)
Will just end this right here and now. [MEDIA]
Got one, the EFM1 is an FM plugin, man, just opening it up and using the default patch sounds GOOD. Real nice. So just play with a low pass filter...
I'll check Logic now, just not sure how I will tell if it's an FM synth or not, lol. I'm learning still :D
Thanks man! Ia there an FM bass plugin in Logic?
On this track here: [MEDIA] How to get that really deep bass and that wobbly/filter-y sound he's got with it? I use Logic Pro, so a native or...
That's a niiiiice track
What for? Maschine? Just type in "finger drumming tutorial" on YouTube, you're bound to find loads.
Really like all 3!!!
Nice mate! Like Wave Function :-)
Got the nidi channel on 'keybed' on the vi25 editor set to '1', and midi channel '2' set on the tb3... that sound right to you?
Separate names with a comma.