Dudes, let's be serious, last thing we want is to expose sister site. Unless @SAiNT says otherwise which is very unlikely for obvious reasons.
Hi, Whatever you decide to do, do it very subtly for I find this mix to be near-perfect. AFAIC I wouldn't touch anything. Not only that but I...
Yeah authentic cadences and dominant 7 chords in a row are pretty thin on the ground... :like: Can't believe this guy is for real. :no:
Foster is a "shapeshifter" troll. He's inconsistent, and thus, he's a bit of everything you described, plus a lot of other room-temperature-IQ...
Guy starts with a dumb Authentic cadence finds out dominant 7 chords lead to whatever the fuck you want them to ... Thinks he coined something new...
@foster911 I can hear from 1000km unoriginal automatic turnarounds - which you're incapable of voicing correctly - however dumb and lazy they...
It has the look and feel of a dumb automatic arrangement, so please attach your FL studio project in your next post.
No you didn't, this is an automatic arrangement processed by either BIAB or Jammer or the like. Voice leading is automatically ensured even though...
That's it @foster911 , @MMJ2017 never "stole" anything, the javier arau work has been presented as such. You called @mmj2017 a thief, thus...
Thanks Everyone for this great experience ! :like: I am pleased to have been part of this project !
You've got an obsessional hate/love relation with jazz that shows, made of inferiority complex and various other insecurities. Jazz is huge, start...
The last SoS issue I read before unsuscribing was about complex jazz brass arrangements. And it was full of staff AND piano rolls. And even if I...
MMJ's goal is to educate masses on a forum mostly dedicated to computer-assisted musical creations. Among those, there's going to be a whole...
Hi AS folks I'd like to "upgrade" an oldie but goodie Yamaha digital piano (a P-90) with modulation capacity. Even though its form factor and...
No one should leave. Even @foster911 should stay as a scapegoat is an important part of every community; any comment looks smart next to him....
Even thought it's even more blatant when it comes to jazz as it is a dividing music, your statement remains true for all kind of genres. Define...
and vice versa
Cute attempt at trolling, but once again, you fail to differentiate the trend from the innovation. Jazz is a dead trend but a living innovation lab.
Apart from the top 5% avant-gardistes / intellectuals / visionnaries, old people are just people who went from young assholes to old farts. Aging...
NO ! DON'T GO JUST NOW ! We still have unanswered questions to enlighten those long winter nights here in upper hemisphere : Did a man ever...
Separate names with a comma.