Much obliged, Sir Griff :cheers:
If it's not too immediately after... can we have one for Soundiron - Bowed Bucket v3?
Thanks, bruh :bow:
Happy Christmas, Griff. When there's time: Zero-G Tension Vectors? Thanks in advance :cheers:
Awesome, bruh. You da man! :wink:
How about the Ilya Efimov Rock Bass? Can't seem to find one....
Thanks :)
Great to hear! Thanks for the wallpaper, bro. Happy holidays - all the best to you and your loved ones.
Hey Griff, nice to see you're back in the swing of things. Hopefully you're all better now. When you have a chance, can I trouble you for...
No worries :yes:
Page 144. Found by typing Sonuscore Lyrical Cello into the Search box at the top ride-hand side of the page. Happy holidays, and enjoy :winker:
Sorry to hear. Hope you get better soon. Take it easy, mate.
Awesome stuff! As for the Hollywoodwinds, Cinesamples new graphics just seem so completely unrelated to Hollywood or woodwinds. I prefer the...
Hello GM Griff, besides the Hollywoodwinds, I'd like to add Illio - Dirk Campbell's World Winds. Thanks in advance.
Nice work with the lettering. But I'm curious, what do the graphics show?
A blast from the past.... Cinesamples - Hollywoodwinds. Thanks in advance...
Thanks. You too!
Awesome! Cheers :cheers:
Wasn't sure if that silly play on the French thank you was only in Canada, or not.... cool. :hillbilly:
GM Griff, can we get one of your inspired wallpapers for Polarity Sound Glockenspiel? Thanks in advance.
Separate names with a comma.