Hello folks, sorry a little bit off-topic but maybe someone can help me make the right purchase decision. I would like to record videos about...
Hello All, can anybody tell me if the Native Instruments Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass has preinstalled Midi presets? I mean pre-patterns I can move...
Sorry for my late reply and thanks for all your input. In the end I bought a drum library from Drum Drops. Its ok for the time being, it has...
thank you, havent heard a lot of ujam before. will check this out! :-)
Hello Guys, I am specifically looking for a VST "Drum Library" like e.g. Addictive Drums with Dub/Reggae style drumkits. I used to have Addictive...
Thank you Clone, the link was helpful. There are some Plugins I own which do the automation automatically when I move the knobs while recording...
Honestly said, no. Where can I find the "Touch Mode"? Sorry for my lack of information and thank you.
...thank you for the information. For me it is important to move the knobs with the mouse or a midi controller and get the automation shown...
Sorry Guys, I am still in trouble with the decision about what kind of Space Echo VST to purchase. So far I tried Audiothing Outer Space,...
Hello Guys, both RE-201 emulations (from Arturia and Cherry Audio) are on Sale at Plugin Boutique. Does anyone has tested both and can lead me...
Thank you! :wink:
Hello Forum, is there a simple solution to get the faders of Diva learn Midi and asign them to a knob on the Masterkeyboard? I tried to click...
...it seems that I just flushed €65,- down the toilet for the Minimoog I bought. Obviously my maschine need to be online to run this plugin if it...
Thank you dondada!
thanks! how could I missed that ;-) you are the hero!
thank you!
...i think I understand what you mean. So first sync it to the host, then "unlock" it so the value is still there and then change the ms, if I got...
I bought Echoboy a few weeks back but havent had the time to check it out yet. Thanks for the Tipp. Will give it a try.
Hello Forum, I am looking for a delay vst with the possibility to set the delay time a little bit "out of time". Dont know how to explain it...
I havent read the complete thread but if money doesnt matter get a Soma Pulsar-23....
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