I hear you. I had the same experience while updating win10 3 years ago. The same problems: all my privacy settings were defaulted "for my best...
Oooohhhhhh......damn......really? What a terrible disappointment. Here I was waiting for the perfect EQ to make my shitty music sound like a hit...
Now that you mention it: in these days of parametric eq's with almost unlimited numbers of bands, you don't see these 32 bands eq's much any more....
Yep, definitely the way to go. Yes!!! That was the main reason for me too! I thought the best way to go was start using Linux for day to day...
Just curious to know what experience you have and how recent? If you are a professional user, than you may be right. For amateurs like myself it...
Also: only the VST2 is free. VST3i can only be used with payed license. I think that is fair and no problem because VST2 works perfect. Although I...
<I am just kidding mode on> Just use Linux. No m$ shit at all! </I am just kidding mode off>. :winker:
@sisyphus: you always have such a kind and nice way of saying things! :yes: :like: :mates:
@Sinus Well: I could not have said it better. Worse, yes. But better? Definitely no! :wink:
Actually, both videos are displaying your name in the windows explorer in C:\users\h-e-r-e-i-s-y-o-u-r-n-a-m-e\
Well, one can never argue with this is great and solid argument! :thumbsup: Further, I don't get these "What is the best XXXX". There is no best...
Aaahhhmmmm......this are only my pure wav files....The contents of my Kontakt libraries maybe a "tiny little bit" bigger in size......:yes:
Yes, but with the little help of friend Chat there is a LUA script for this: [SPOILER] Did not tested it, since I do not need it. I am a very...
I would not use your LH90 cassette from BASF. Take the Mawell XLII 90 or even better the (although more expensive) Metal one. Careful with the...
Well, unfortunately this tool is not for me. It is still running for 9 hours and not finished yet. No idea what is going on.
Okay, since I am on Linux, I tried this one out. I have 175 Gb of WAV to be scanned. It is working now for more than 3 hours and it is still not...
Best sight? For me on a high mountain with good visibility....:winker:
Thanks. Not so good in command line stuff, even though I am a Linux user..... Whispergui - Strange one: does not work with my Google account....
Thank you. The first site Maestra does not work. It stays forever in "your file is getting ready". BTW, my test file is 18 seconds. The second...
Unfortunately. it is a very mediocre PC, 7 years old with an i5 and 16 GB of RAM with onboard videocard. So, no. Not at all. But I like your hat....
Separate names with a comma.