Hi to all, I'm looking for someone who has the Logic Pro X version 10.3.2 and who can send me a copy of the auvaltool situated under /usr/bin/....
Any news about sonnox and macOS 10.12.6? I've tried the steps multiple times but the sonnox Oxford (v5 installers) plugins work only if I...
Hi to all, I'm looking for an help to write the sheet music for the piano of the song in the video. I'm not so good to play piano. Is there...
I suggest you to verify the s.m.a.r.t. status with disk utility in OS X partition or with the recovery. You can put your mac in target mode...
Check this support link https://www.ableton.com/en/help/article/import-samples/
Sorry man i didn't see the notification of your answer, anyway if you want to solve the issue try to read these 2 topics:...
@mapjay Could you post your crash log? (use code insert or try with pastebin and copy your link here).
Thank you @ArticStorm deactivating the plugin i can download the file. @audio lover your solution doesn't work.
Hi to all, do you know some firefox add-ons or safari extension or other apps to download the embedded music demo on beatport? Usually I like to...
Download the newest version: and if you still have the problem, it could be the massive preference file
CAPO is another great app!
Thank you for your answer, i've found the solution in your links. Like you've said the waves plugins seem compatible on osx and ableton only in...
I've an issue with these plugins, everytime i load one on ableton i need to disable it and then reactivate it (with the yellow button) to make it...
I think it's the plugin, i've tried with another daw and without internet connection. It says registered but when i open another instance it...
Tried but doesn't work :-(. Maybe there is some issue with .plist file or osx 10.8.2
Hi to all, i'm trying to register zplane vielklang v 1.5.2, the serial works fine and returns me no errors but every time i load the plugin in a...
Problem solved. It was an aether issue, i've installed every pkg in the installer and now works fine. If you run the installer doesn't work....
Thanks for your reply, so do you think, like me, that is an ableton issue? Are you on osx 10.6.8? On lion 10.7.2 it works great :dunno:
Hi, i've this issue, i've updated Ableton to version 8.2.7 and i'm on sl 10.6.8 before update 2C-Aether works very fine, now no. Do you have also...
Separate names with a comma.