when they said " this forum is great if you need help ", I wasn't aware it was "that kind" of help ..
nice title, great songs congrats :wink:
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Kashmir is not what one would call a riff, but still ( immigrant song was already taken...
I'M THE FUTURE ** bang-door open **
every song is about Love
good mic + good preamp + compressor + good quality A/D converters / DSP of your soundcard. no effects or other BS that will alter the sound,...
the BBC SO was originally +/-1000 € , how come they lowered the price ?
that's where we're at :rofl: :mates:
since the " we've made it in our bedroom, everybody can live the dream" happened, there's been tons of related posts everywhere, just like with...
oh, Gosh ... another Soothe thread ?!! ...really ?!!!
no suggestion, but thanks, nice share. I like the energy of the song, and it's always great to hear other ethnicities version of a music style...
au pire tu peux switcher en mode " Lite " ( en bas, je crois, dans la fenêtre du presets browser ) c'est ce que je fais parce que moi aussi j'en...
no hate but annoyed by having to : - pay for a fckn usb key in order to get a software I already bought to work - have a free usb port ( not to...
waves, McDSP, D16 group, izotope, overloud, fabfilter, soundtoys ...
you definitely need a shrink : what you've got is a narcissistic personality disorder, hiding your inner conflicts through passive agressive...
ok, we're clear. :mates: I'm well aware of that too, I didn't doubt your answer :) have fun, guys :bow:
ok, here's another question, then : what did you mean by : just as you did ?
my question was sincere ... I've seen so many posts in the feed about this plugins that I started to wonder if there was any user who could...
it doesn't answer the question : have you seen me joining "the hordes" on any other numerous soothe post / request ?
Separate names with a comma.