Intriguing how some articles have disappeared from it... Example - just one - : ALL articles - proven, scientific, patients testifying - about...
He yelled all the time, he was so intense ! He selled cigarets in his shop underneath his little appartment in Bombay / Mumbai. His " guru " -...
Sir, that's EXACTLY why I almost never come here. 2 times this week, first one was cool++, but that's enough with this one now. Sad as there are...
Go for it ! If you'd knew how my " heroes " in this domain have recorded a certain number of absolutely MYTHICAL albums this way, you'd be...
I wrote 250+ scientific and general public articles on it and I disagree power 10000. Me and my colleagues too. Copy / pasting anything that you...
( Done ) ... and I found... the black buttons ( but you already answered in the meantime :wink:) : MAGIX.Vintage.Effects.Suite.v2.003.WORKING...
OK I check that.
gurujon asked specifically for v1, why show him v2 ? " with the black knobs " ?
I just gave this a test - on Win - converting some tagged files I have with fre:ac ( v1.1.6 ), this into mp3 and FLAC as examples. I checked the...
On Mac : fre:ac ( v1.1.6 ) It keeps the metadata.
Oups, then it is a good reason to not use them, for sure...
1° Pazera Free Audio Extractor is free and does it all - between " over 70 audio and video formats " : " Metadata (ID3v2, FLAC, WMA, MP4 (AAC),...
It isn't really a problem, except for Mike Matthews, his bank account and his factory near S-Pet. We'll buy other tubes brands, and that's it. And...
Pani… Rzadko tu przychodzę. Nie pamiętałem nawet swojego hasła (naprawdę). Ale dzięki "feed" do tej "other site", tym razem naprawdę musiałem się...
J'ai p't'être plombé l'ambiance... :unsure: ... Retour à : 5 mn avant la case " Le Bon Coin " ... [IMG] :winker:
You were. Read what you wrote.
@Nick12 Use Celemony Melodyne. How ? Check this on their home site - and a million tuts on YT - =>...
Une des meilleures sources pour toutes ces infos - Ramana, Papaji, Lakshmana Swamy... - est la chaîne YT de l'excellentissime David Godman ( ça...
Je le voyais venir, avec tournure... Mais je le voyais venir! ... Original : " je le sentais venir... " aaaah non non non évitons :bleh: !
Separate names with a comma.