funkman : it was the same for me, be reassured. I did not even want to know about it. Until one day, Windows didn't start, and I tried for 2, 3, 4...
Here , all is explained : _____________________________________________________ It's too late now - or too early - , but...
:like: and : At last ! :like:
" Many Windows 10 users " : please ... 10 ? " But don’t worry! This blue screen error is fixable... " :rofl: One of those ridiculus articles by...
___ ( sorry , off topic in fact, deleted )
This topic is not about comparing analog hardware and software : ( purple bold added ) EDIT : ... then when one knows that CLA prefers to use...
Yes, you are correct about the code. Same for the TC 2290 => TC2290-DT in fact, by the new / younger TC devs, isn't it ?
AFAIC, I'm sorry, I didn't see that part about the IRs. I presume you know that the Dirac delta function ( "distribution ", in fact ) and the...
Each one his passion. It's good if your clients are happy with your mixes - and / or masters - .
Come visit me ( us ), I'll ( we'll ) make you listen to the - obvious - differences. Voilà. It ends here. This invalidates all the rest. Which...
Sonible is in very bad shape so they are sending their Balancer - freeware - back to Focusrite with who they developped it ( 2019 ), where it gets...
I just arrive from there and so : aleksalt, there are not " a lot of negative posts " about the plug-in. There a 2 opinions only at this moment :...
Hello PifPafPif . Something is wrong with what I found when I searched for " Nebula with OwnHammer (legacy) 412_MAR-CB_MIX " . I found IRs, or...
... ultrasonic love.
In the thread about the " Nembrini Audio Doubler v1.0.0 WiN " on AZ, I've linked you to more details about the TC on the " Vintage Digital "...
I think I mixed it up, Ryck, I'm sorry. I thought you were asking about Dawn Langstroth - so, about the video with George Massenburg, and the...
Oh... I added the reference in the meantime in the previous post :
Dear Bruce, did you finally marry Selina Kyle ? :winker: ( colored ... )
Hello Ryck :) ! My initial post took me ( I swear ) 2 hours+ to write, because all the typing errors, English errors, heat wave we have. So now...
Separate names with a comma.