New interface (Carbon) Dark mode skin A step towards ARA integration with Melodyne A few fixes. Nothing major, & still no fixes to common...
Duplicate the instrument twice in the multi so you have 3 copies. Then either transpose the 2nd & 3rd instrument to other notes to play a chord,...
... & where would you go if the sister site dissappeared? :suicide: I know plenty of others exist, bt how many can be trusted & feature releases...
R4e said he will release it soon, but wanted to wait a few days to ensure 6.4.1 was working ok. No point in him wasting his time preparing his...
Happening with legit versions also (not just the recent releases on sister site). Looks like NI released it with a beta timer left in...ooops.
Create a matched curve Select all eq points Pull down the gain knob enough & it will eventually invert the curve.
This is the correct answer. Gain staging to a lower level does matter if you are using analog emulated plugins in your mix. They are often...
If you can't make tracks with either of those 3 I don't think the choice of which DAW to use is the issue.
Have you tried smiling whilst listening to it...?
Billy Jean by Michael Jackson :shalom:
Plugins are good (& better) for some things, but there's a reason I bought a real Moog & a Prophet 6. Choose which hardware to buy carefully...
Bounce/flatten the dry audio Import it into a track Trim the end to simulate hitting stop Add verb plugin Bounce Done
Things have definitely changed; I've been sent loads of tracks all with the same name... 'Lockdown'. :deep_facepalm: Please make it stop :suicide:
The definition of a 'good' sound is subjective and depends on it's intended use... Bt I still wouldn't have bought a Prophet 6 & 2 Moogs this year...
Pretty much any DAW with clip/region gain can do this. Kontakt can also do this with zone envelopes if u prefer using a vst. Zone envelopes are...
I've heard midi 2.0 is a massive racist. Nothing good can come from this... :banned: Think I'll wait for midi 2.1:invision:
None need... There's a recommendation of -18 dB for some plugins for optimal performance... Just like the hardware. However running things...
Easy... Set everything low to start with and leave yourself plenty of headroom. Manage the level being recorded or from your vst instruments, and...
Tab to transients gets stuck... No shit.. This bug has existed since S1 v1.0, and it's only just been addressed... :facepalm:
Adjusting levels by means of grouped faders or using a vca has exactly the same result. The relative balance between faders shouldn't change.......
Separate names with a comma.