Sounds great. Snare is good but percussion is still a bit soft. Satin really makes a difference. More Punchy.
Was not sure if Satin would work. Pull the Cello delay back a bit now. But try and get the Vibrato faster.
A Cello player would not be playing without vibrato in a piece like this. I think you can bring the percussion up 2db.
Still not hearing Cello delay should be nearly as loud as main Cello. Snare still too soft. There has to be a vibrato speed option on the Kontakt...
The speed of the Vibrato on the Cello is too slow. Double it.
The Auto ducking SUCKS BIG TIME
Insert Satin between Output of SSL and Input of Limiter with these settings... [ATTACH]
Add a new band to the sides of the MS Filter as per screen capture. [ATTACH]
Actually that ducking kills the emotion of the track and makes it sound really cheap.
First Guitar solo way too loud. Everything sort of working. Double level of snare fills. Way more vibrato on Cello and i cant hear the 1/2 note...
Hey Guys the reason you put a reverb on a bus and send to it is to do with CPU. A reverb takes a lot of CPU and if you want to have the same...
Hey mozee could you write a document on how to use Buses and Fx sends. I have to go to bed as its 4:33 in the morning in downtown Byron Bay. Spencer
You should really be driving your mix bus harder but it does not matter here. Bring up the output level of the proq doing the MS by 12db. Then...
Switch out all the plugins on the master bus and tell me what level you are getting.
The settings are there for the side and the mid. I pasted them on 1 screegrab. I have updated the Limiter settings. What level are you getting out...
Absolutely not. No Fucking Saturn. No Fucking Ozone.
Must be in that order. Multiband is Holding 3db gain reduction on bottom and 1.5db gain reduction in the other band. Adjust the SSL threshold to...
[ATTACH] Limiter Settings have been revised. Attack and Release 1ms now. Transients 50% Input Level 1.8db Must be in that order. Multiband is...
Separate names with a comma.