How do animals interpret music and rhythm ? :wink: ...or like this... [MEDIA] :winker: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
@ Dokx1, At this moment, the only thing that I can do for you is to provide you my 'Waveshellized' Plugins (32bit) and its corresponding...
@ Dokx1, At a first glance, you can use 'shell2vst' (this one is the '32bit' version), to create 'Waveshellized' Versions of all the desired...
Are there any affordable midi XY pads? @ Cav Emp, Maybe the following can do the 'trick' : Korg NanoPad 2 [IMG]...
You're absolutely right to refuse for the 'Album Version' (recorded and enginereed by the gigantic 'Bruce Swedien'), but first of this, and as...
@ ca5plays, Finally you have an answer to a part of your question : Albums featuring the SP-1200 Some albums that were produced utilizing this...
@ Tafelrunde, Not to seem pedant or fuzzy, but do you know what kind of 'crap' can become this 'Yellow Tools eLicenser'... Some words from a...
Totally agree with 'Rasputin' :wink: ...I forgot to mention the other 'mythical' Drum Machine of this era : 'Linn 9000' !!! :( Agree too with the...
First, don't forget that back these days (the 'glorious' '80s' ! :break: ), and with the emergence of such 'Samplers' and 'Workstations' as are...
Totally agree with you Dear 'Herr Durr' !!! :yes: [IMG] At a first glance, it seems that 'Joe Bonamassa' thinks identically... :woot:...
"Reasons to buy a guitar" The 1st reason : To take advantage (and pleasure !) of all the Great 'Guitar Methods' posted in this brother's site...
@ xXDayDreamerXx, After reading again the exhaustive description of your equipment/material, and according to the great observation of 'Nimbuss'...
@ xXDayDreamerXx, 'Native Instruments Komplete 10 Ultimate Educational Lab Additional Seat' (~ $225 or make 3 easy payments !)...
"What do you like most or don't like at all about your country or state?" Well... the Best [IMG] ...then the Worst !!! [IMG] 'Pleasure...
Yes, 'YurOw' did it... but at my humble opinion, the sound is almost everything (clavinet, organ, synth,... ) except (real) Piano !
Try with the following 'VSTi Plugins' : [IMG]...
@ Filtersweep, As you don't stipulate if you're using an external 'MIDI Controller' to remote some 'FL Studio' functions and/or options, if yes,...
@ Members & Users of our 'beloved' Forum, If you want to get "the free stuff in the 'goody bag' is a reverb by Audio Assault.", without the...
@ Nik, Congratulations Sir ! :winker::mates::cheers: "After many sleepless nights to make music :grooves: ...even more sleepless nights in...
Hello 'Bunford', Have you tried to find your happiness via : The Tabs provided seem to have been done by...
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